Ab Workouts For Boxers

Boxers are known for their extremely strong core muscles. Blow after blow when you or I would be lying on the floor gasping for air, they continue to stand and fight. Strong abs, oblique’s and lower back muscles is what you need. Before you start remember that it’s all about technique, some of the guys with the strongest abs used to do super slow reps and when I say super I mean SUPER 2 minutes to do 1 sit up.


Here you will find more than just the standard sit ups and crunches, we mix together a variety of core and ab exercises to help you sculpt and strengthen that core. Below are some of our favourite ab workouts for boxers that will be sure to give you a strong six pack like the professionals


Boxing Abs Workout #1

This is a great all round core workout which uses only your bodyweight. Remember to warm up before you start with some cardio or functional exercises such as squats and lunges.

core workout for boxing            

Home Abs Workout 2 - "5 Minute Abs #1"

Here’s a home boxing workout for your core that you can do anywhere anytime when you have a spare 5 minutes. If you have more time make it 2 sets of 5 minutes. Repeat this overtime you train or a minimum of 3 days per week and you see noticeable core strength gains.

ab workouts for boxers


Home Abs Workout 3 - "5 Minute Abs #2"

Here’s a home boxing workout for your core that you can do anywhere anytime when you have a spare 5 minutes. If you have more time make it 2 sets of 5 minutes. Repeat this overtime you train or a minimum of 3 days per week and you see noticeable core strength gains.

boxing ab workout    

Home Abs Workout 4 – 150 Abs

Here the aim of the game is to do 150 core exercise reps. Any order and any exercise. You can do this at the gym with weights or at home without weights it's that simple, just 150 reps. You might want to do 20 crunches followed by 10 sit-ups followed by 30 heal taps and so on for example until you hit 150 reps. Try it with a friend and take turns at choosing the exercise and setting the reps.

Do this 3 - 5 times a week and in 2 weeks time add another 25 reps or add some weighted exercises in to make things harder and more exciting.